So it finally comes to an end, a month of chicken has passed. More people were following the chickens posted on the facebooks than I expected. Most aren't the commenty type I suppose.
So this month I've learned very little. With all the fried chicken I ate in this span, I'm probably that much closer to a heart attack or stroke. I really should eat some Cheerios or something to come to some sort of balance.
Next month will be subways for a long haul. There's Turkey Day towards the end of the month, so that gives a bit of a reprieve. Dunno what difficulty level I'm going to go for though.
My idea of 3 animals every lunch was shot down by my cohort. Apparently he wants to live.
Also for fun I'm thinking we should run the gamut on Duane Reade's De Lish products. That shold be fun and exciting.
Chicken 22: Bon Chon Chicken
Ah Bon Chon Chicken. What a way to cap things off. Originally we were hoping that the vegetarian place near us that close down and was turning into a Bon Chon was going to open in time for us to wrap up chicken month. Alas it was not to be, so we had to turn to delivery. The order to be was X-Large wings (36 total) split among the two of us, not spicy, with bread as the side.
It arrived promptly, and we started hacking away at the wings. The wings were crunchy and sweet, and the coating seemed more like a McNugget than traditional fried chicken the likes of which you would get at a KFC or Popeyes. Unlike the McNugget, there was an actual flavor to go with the food, and did not sicken you halfway through.
The wings were a little on the dryer side, a bit of a disappointment. It also wasn't as fresh due to the travel time it had to undergo. Disappointments, but such is the life of delivery. Here's hoping that that Bon Chon down the block gets it into gear right quick.
After all was consumed, it felt like there was a blanket holding the body down while walking. After a good hearty fried meal like that, a can of orange soda was in order, to break up all the grease. Orange soda and fried chicken just go so well together.
Oh and the buns were cold. Big whoop. They still tasted good, like the pork bun bread but obviously without the filling. Hopefully absorbed some of the grease in there.
Moving around sure was an arduous task with that much fried chicken. Not as bad as horsing all that Popeyes though.
So that wraps up chicken month. It was a good long haul, but now its finally over. Hopefully the damage done to my cardiovascular system won't be so permanent.
Really gotta get on the Cheerios.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Chicken 21: Thai
So I've mentioned the Windows 7 Whopper before, and I really need to build one of those. But an epiphany came today! The Apple Macintosh operating system is known as OS X. That X stands for 10. And now Burger King is selling double cheese burgers for a buck a pop.
Mac OS 10 cheeseburger.
Cheap and effective. I really need to get on that. Couldn't make it a OS 10 Whopper as that would just be pretty unoriginal, and excessively expensive. Also my coworker remarked that it would make more sense for the burger to come from McDonald's. An OS 10 Big Mac would make more sense, but damn that would be expensive, and less tasty. Plus McDonald's doesn't keep it real like the King does.
Chicken 21: Chicken Pad Thai
Second to last day, and it was time to hit up the Thai food place near us. Convenient as it was right by the Duane Reade, and I was in need of replenishing my wallet. The choice today: Chicken Pad Thai.
The Chicken Pad Thai was essentially not really Chicken Pad Thai though. When ordering, vegetarian Pad Thai was thrown into a plastic box, then chicken from a separate metal bin was thrown on top. It was then topped off by some bean sprouts and carrots.
The Chicken was sort of bland. It was cooked up with some eggs, and wasn't dry, but it didn't really taste like much. Well it did taste like chicken, but it needed something else. Far too plain. Luckily that bottle of sriracha sauce was still standing by to assist in the flavor department. Definitely added a dimension to some pretty plain chicken.
The Pad Thai itself was actually pretty full of flavor though. What really stood out was the sweetness and the tangyness, and how well it worked together. The carrots and bean sprouts gave a nice crunchiness to the soft noodles. Sriracha sauce mixed into the noodles really added a lot of flavor to the Pad Thai. It mixed really well, and added a great amount of heat to the food. Sriracha is totally cheat code for food.
I could have gone for a slightly larger portion though. If only I could have gotten a chicken pot pie or something...
Final chicken tomorrow!
Mac OS 10 cheeseburger.
Cheap and effective. I really need to get on that. Couldn't make it a OS 10 Whopper as that would just be pretty unoriginal, and excessively expensive. Also my coworker remarked that it would make more sense for the burger to come from McDonald's. An OS 10 Big Mac would make more sense, but damn that would be expensive, and less tasty. Plus McDonald's doesn't keep it real like the King does.
Chicken 21: Chicken Pad Thai
Second to last day, and it was time to hit up the Thai food place near us. Convenient as it was right by the Duane Reade, and I was in need of replenishing my wallet. The choice today: Chicken Pad Thai.
The Chicken Pad Thai was essentially not really Chicken Pad Thai though. When ordering, vegetarian Pad Thai was thrown into a plastic box, then chicken from a separate metal bin was thrown on top. It was then topped off by some bean sprouts and carrots.
The Chicken was sort of bland. It was cooked up with some eggs, and wasn't dry, but it didn't really taste like much. Well it did taste like chicken, but it needed something else. Far too plain. Luckily that bottle of sriracha sauce was still standing by to assist in the flavor department. Definitely added a dimension to some pretty plain chicken.
The Pad Thai itself was actually pretty full of flavor though. What really stood out was the sweetness and the tangyness, and how well it worked together. The carrots and bean sprouts gave a nice crunchiness to the soft noodles. Sriracha sauce mixed into the noodles really added a lot of flavor to the Pad Thai. It mixed really well, and added a great amount of heat to the food. Sriracha is totally cheat code for food.
I could have gone for a slightly larger portion though. If only I could have gotten a chicken pot pie or something...
Final chicken tomorrow!
Chicken 20: King
I wonder if there is any way for both teams in the World Series to lose. God damn this is the most annoying series ever.
If the Yankees win, woohoo for Jeter. Last real Yankee on the team that isn't out of their mind, untainted, and works hard. But then A-Roid gets a World Series win. That just disgusts me.
If the Phillies win, both Yankees fans and Mets fans have to deal with failure smashed into their faces. Especially if Pedro Martinez manages to get a win in the World Series. But another championship of any kind for Philly? Two years in a row? I'd only be okey with that if the city sinks into the ocean and somehow takes Pittsburgh with it.
Chicken 20: Chicken a la King
So today the weather was still awful, so traveling any distance outside was undesirable. Again we go check the diner for chicken pot pie, again we were disappointed to see that it was not there. However, their special for the day was chicken a la king. Wasn't sure exactly what that was, but it sounded promising. Plus the diner was right there.
So me and my coworker go to sit in the diner, chicken on the mind. We order up and within a few minutes our plates arrive. A dish with a base of yellow rice, large chicken chunks in a white sauce with peppers poured on top. Pretty simple looking dish, though not as noble as I would have expected from the name.
Chicken chunks were quite large pieces of white meat, with a consistency that kind of reminded me a little of tuna, though much firmer and chickeny. The sauce was a creamy, like a cream of something soup with peppers in it. The sauce also worked well with the rice, as the rice picked up the excess sauce and made good use of it. Overall a very tasty meal.
Also a very quick meal. We went into the diner, ordered, ate, paid the bill and got back up to work in less than 30 minutes. That has to be a new record or something.
Oh and I forgot to mention the bucket of pickles that was given to us shortly after being seated. Pickles are good, except these pickles didn't taste quite right. If you are given that many pickles, beware! Something just ain't right.
Almost there! Chicken!
If the Yankees win, woohoo for Jeter. Last real Yankee on the team that isn't out of their mind, untainted, and works hard. But then A-Roid gets a World Series win. That just disgusts me.
If the Phillies win, both Yankees fans and Mets fans have to deal with failure smashed into their faces. Especially if Pedro Martinez manages to get a win in the World Series. But another championship of any kind for Philly? Two years in a row? I'd only be okey with that if the city sinks into the ocean and somehow takes Pittsburgh with it.
Chicken 20: Chicken a la King
So today the weather was still awful, so traveling any distance outside was undesirable. Again we go check the diner for chicken pot pie, again we were disappointed to see that it was not there. However, their special for the day was chicken a la king. Wasn't sure exactly what that was, but it sounded promising. Plus the diner was right there.
So me and my coworker go to sit in the diner, chicken on the mind. We order up and within a few minutes our plates arrive. A dish with a base of yellow rice, large chicken chunks in a white sauce with peppers poured on top. Pretty simple looking dish, though not as noble as I would have expected from the name.
Chicken chunks were quite large pieces of white meat, with a consistency that kind of reminded me a little of tuna, though much firmer and chickeny. The sauce was a creamy, like a cream of something soup with peppers in it. The sauce also worked well with the rice, as the rice picked up the excess sauce and made good use of it. Overall a very tasty meal.
Also a very quick meal. We went into the diner, ordered, ate, paid the bill and got back up to work in less than 30 minutes. That has to be a new record or something.
Oh and I forgot to mention the bucket of pickles that was given to us shortly after being seated. Pickles are good, except these pickles didn't taste quite right. If you are given that many pickles, beware! Something just ain't right.
Almost there! Chicken!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Chicken 19: Go for the Gusto
What a miserable morning. Suddenly rain and suddenly no one knows how to drive. I hope whatever accident occurred was a good one.
Next month seems like its going to be Subways month. How exactly that's going to go down is going to be interesting. Easy mode is just a foot long sub per lunch. Hard is 6" for lunch, 6" for dinner, 5 days a week. Extreme mode is hard mode, but 7 days a week.
There's also Jared mode, which is his diet. He had a 6" turkey sub for lunch, and a foot long veggie sub for dinner. Veggie sub? Why even bother living?
Subways is healthy, which is partly the reason to take that on after this month. This may be one of my least healthy months ever. Also, its 5 bucks for a foot long sandwich. This month has been pretty damn expensive too.
Chicken 19: Chicken Paprika on Penne
Cafe Gusto was the destination of choice today, with chicken pot pie absent from the menu at our diner neighbor. Usually Gusto was only called upon for lasagna or rotisserie chicken, but we were looking for something out of the regular stuff. Lasagna didn't fit in the whole chicken week thing either being that it used beef.
Chicken came with the choice of being served over rice or over pasta. I picked pasta as I've had enough rice last week with my poultry. In addition to the choice between the carbs, there was yet another decision to make regarding the form of pasta. I chose penne over the linguine. I suppose his noodly appendages would have prefered the linguine.
Looking at the chicken paprika, I was expecting more of a sausage and peppers taste from it. It had the peppers cut up the same way and that greasiness that is oh so good. That's about all there similarities though.
The two chicken breasts in the meal were cooked very tender, and were still moist. Peppers that came with it were extremely soft and carried the flavor of the sauce. The sauce actually tasted like a vodka sauce, and the color matched for the most part. It did seem like there was more grease than a standard vodka sauce though.
The penne with the chicken had a bit of a mushy texture. It looked like it had some kind of sauce or something on it, as the color was a little on the red side while the linguine was much lighter in color. The pasta was not bad, it was just a bit odd. I would have picked it again. I regret nothing.
Good lightish meal. They had pork loin at Gusto that looked pretty good though. I'm not so much tired of chicken as I am desiring more options.
The final week goes on.
Next month seems like its going to be Subways month. How exactly that's going to go down is going to be interesting. Easy mode is just a foot long sub per lunch. Hard is 6" for lunch, 6" for dinner, 5 days a week. Extreme mode is hard mode, but 7 days a week.
There's also Jared mode, which is his diet. He had a 6" turkey sub for lunch, and a foot long veggie sub for dinner. Veggie sub? Why even bother living?
Subways is healthy, which is partly the reason to take that on after this month. This may be one of my least healthy months ever. Also, its 5 bucks for a foot long sandwich. This month has been pretty damn expensive too.
Chicken 19: Chicken Paprika on Penne
Cafe Gusto was the destination of choice today, with chicken pot pie absent from the menu at our diner neighbor. Usually Gusto was only called upon for lasagna or rotisserie chicken, but we were looking for something out of the regular stuff. Lasagna didn't fit in the whole chicken week thing either being that it used beef.
Chicken came with the choice of being served over rice or over pasta. I picked pasta as I've had enough rice last week with my poultry. In addition to the choice between the carbs, there was yet another decision to make regarding the form of pasta. I chose penne over the linguine. I suppose his noodly appendages would have prefered the linguine.
Looking at the chicken paprika, I was expecting more of a sausage and peppers taste from it. It had the peppers cut up the same way and that greasiness that is oh so good. That's about all there similarities though.
The two chicken breasts in the meal were cooked very tender, and were still moist. Peppers that came with it were extremely soft and carried the flavor of the sauce. The sauce actually tasted like a vodka sauce, and the color matched for the most part. It did seem like there was more grease than a standard vodka sauce though.
The penne with the chicken had a bit of a mushy texture. It looked like it had some kind of sauce or something on it, as the color was a little on the red side while the linguine was much lighter in color. The pasta was not bad, it was just a bit odd. I would have picked it again. I regret nothing.
Good lightish meal. They had pork loin at Gusto that looked pretty good though. I'm not so much tired of chicken as I am desiring more options.
The final week goes on.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Chicken 18: Aloha
Holy God this is chicken month but there's just too much bacon everywhere.
Coming back from Giants Stadium after witnessing a miserable failure of a game (you gotta be kidding me running to the outside so damn much. Punch it up the middle. What the fuck!) and heading home, sirens lights and all that jazz appear behind us. A cop and a mobile command station both have their lights blazing and sirens blaring (BTW thanks New Jersey for the most annoying seizure inducing lights in existence). Must be some sort of emergency.
WRONG. They just wanted to get through traffic. Fucking layers upon layers of cars desperately trying to get out of their way as if it was some sort of emergency because they don't want to sit in traffic. We catch up to the finding them cruising when they got open road.
Hey bacon! You know why we call you bacon? Cause you pull shit like that. Why would anyone respect assholes like that?
Chicken 18: Hawaiian Super Atkins Meal
Back to our regularly scheduled program. Today was a big day, and as this is the last week of chicken, we have to start strong. So it was decided (after still no chicken pot pie) that we were going to hit up the Hawaiian place for our foodstuffs.
The choice meal was the Super Atkins Platter. Three pieces of chicken katsu or BBQ chicken and three pieces of another meat of your choice, plus three eggs. Of course we had to go chicken katsu and BBQ chicken, or else whats the point really. Food did come with some salad, but well who really cares about that.
Place seemed a lot more crowded than usual. Did not even take my order cause they were preoccupied. Poor form.
Getting back, it was time for food. Chicken katsu was not as crunchy as usual, but that helps out a little bit by making it easier to eat. The sauce with it was sweet, and the chicken was pretty thin. The breading was still pleasantly crunchy.
BBQ chicken was pretty standard. Savory and seemed like it was made of dark meat, no bones involved though. Juicy and large pieces, much larger than I though would be possible out of the tastier dark meat parts of the chicken. Just a bit on the salty side.
Eggs were over easy. Yolk was disappointingly solid. Otherwise they were good eggs. I hadn't had eggs straight up in a while now that I think about it. McMuffins don't exactly count I don't think.
Salad had that orange sauce on it. Leaves and tomatoes. Meh.
Big tasty meal. One of those meals that require some form of cola to burn off some of that excess grease that sticks to your insides. Orange soda and fried chicken are such a great combination.
Almost there. Chicken ahoy.
Coming back from Giants Stadium after witnessing a miserable failure of a game (you gotta be kidding me running to the outside so damn much. Punch it up the middle. What the fuck!) and heading home, sirens lights and all that jazz appear behind us. A cop and a mobile command station both have their lights blazing and sirens blaring (BTW thanks New Jersey for the most annoying seizure inducing lights in existence). Must be some sort of emergency.
WRONG. They just wanted to get through traffic. Fucking layers upon layers of cars desperately trying to get out of their way as if it was some sort of emergency because they don't want to sit in traffic. We catch up to the finding them cruising when they got open road.
Hey bacon! You know why we call you bacon? Cause you pull shit like that. Why would anyone respect assholes like that?
Chicken 18: Hawaiian Super Atkins Meal
Back to our regularly scheduled program. Today was a big day, and as this is the last week of chicken, we have to start strong. So it was decided (after still no chicken pot pie) that we were going to hit up the Hawaiian place for our foodstuffs.
The choice meal was the Super Atkins Platter. Three pieces of chicken katsu or BBQ chicken and three pieces of another meat of your choice, plus three eggs. Of course we had to go chicken katsu and BBQ chicken, or else whats the point really. Food did come with some salad, but well who really cares about that.
Place seemed a lot more crowded than usual. Did not even take my order cause they were preoccupied. Poor form.
Getting back, it was time for food. Chicken katsu was not as crunchy as usual, but that helps out a little bit by making it easier to eat. The sauce with it was sweet, and the chicken was pretty thin. The breading was still pleasantly crunchy.
BBQ chicken was pretty standard. Savory and seemed like it was made of dark meat, no bones involved though. Juicy and large pieces, much larger than I though would be possible out of the tastier dark meat parts of the chicken. Just a bit on the salty side.
Eggs were over easy. Yolk was disappointingly solid. Otherwise they were good eggs. I hadn't had eggs straight up in a while now that I think about it. McMuffins don't exactly count I don't think.
Salad had that orange sauce on it. Leaves and tomatoes. Meh.
Big tasty meal. One of those meals that require some form of cola to burn off some of that excess grease that sticks to your insides. Orange soda and fried chicken are such a great combination.
Almost there. Chicken ahoy.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Chicken 17: Tikka
This whole writing every (week)day thing is more tiresome than eating the same meat every day for lunch. No holidays to get me out of anything this month either. At least next month there's Thanksgiving so I won't be documenting all my meals for lunch. Whether next month will be worthy of documenting remains to be seen though.
Today I discovered something that made me a bit upset to be shackled to the chicken lunch theme for the month. Behold, the Windows 7 Whopper!

Explanation: To celebrate the launching of Windows 7 in Japan, Burger King (bless their souls) is running a promotion of selling Windows 7 Whoppers for 777 yen. Yeah, that is seven (7!) whopper patties in there. It's so beautiful.
Of course Whoppers are not chicken in any way. Had this been beef month, one would have been constructed this very day for the sake of glory! Unfortunately chicken is still the meat of the meals, and there's no way around that. I will have a Win 7 Whooper someday though!
Chicken 17: Chicken Tikka Masala
Still no chicken pot pies today. Chicken croquettes were on the diner's menu, which was a little intriguing, but ultimately did not sway either of us.
So Indian food was the choice today. There one Indian joint that me and my coworkers pass by when going to get Chinese takeout never looked all that appealing so we never actually tried it out. Today they got their chance to woo me. Chicken gave them the chance.
So the meal today was chicken tikka masala. Roasted chicken chunks cooked up in an orange, apparently tomato based, sauce. I had it served over rice.
One thing that always got me was how all these Indian foods look sorta like mud. The different forms of curry, tikka and what have you all have that gooey look of something you should be cleaning off than consuming. Doesn't really bother me in any way, taste is all that matters anyways.
One thing that my co-chickener observed was that the tikka was a little too soupy. He got his chicken with naan (bread) and thus his tikka came separately in a plastic container. As I said, I got it on rice so I didn't see or experience much of that, it just looked like dried orange mud.
The chunks of chicken were actually just a little on the dry side, though the sauce it was in kept that from being a problem. The savory sauce was lightly seasoned and had just a tiny little spicy kick to it, almost unnoticeable to me. Rice was a little harder than you would find at a Chinese place, but seemed par for the course. The rice did do a good job sucking up all the excess sauce.
Overall this meal gets a hearty "meh". Honestly, it didn't seem all that much different from the stuff I got at the fancy college food area at my Alma Mater. Prices weren't all that far off either, so I can't say I'm very impressed by their showing. I suppose it gives us an option in the future for lunch should we want something different, but this was just pretty underwhelming.
One more week of chicken to go! Victory tastes like chicken!
Today I discovered something that made me a bit upset to be shackled to the chicken lunch theme for the month. Behold, the Windows 7 Whopper!

Explanation: To celebrate the launching of Windows 7 in Japan, Burger King (bless their souls) is running a promotion of selling Windows 7 Whoppers for 777 yen. Yeah, that is seven (7!) whopper patties in there. It's so beautiful.
Of course Whoppers are not chicken in any way. Had this been beef month, one would have been constructed this very day for the sake of glory! Unfortunately chicken is still the meat of the meals, and there's no way around that. I will have a Win 7 Whooper someday though!
Chicken 17: Chicken Tikka Masala
Still no chicken pot pies today. Chicken croquettes were on the diner's menu, which was a little intriguing, but ultimately did not sway either of us.
So Indian food was the choice today. There one Indian joint that me and my coworkers pass by when going to get Chinese takeout never looked all that appealing so we never actually tried it out. Today they got their chance to woo me. Chicken gave them the chance.
So the meal today was chicken tikka masala. Roasted chicken chunks cooked up in an orange, apparently tomato based, sauce. I had it served over rice.
One thing that always got me was how all these Indian foods look sorta like mud. The different forms of curry, tikka and what have you all have that gooey look of something you should be cleaning off than consuming. Doesn't really bother me in any way, taste is all that matters anyways.
One thing that my co-chickener observed was that the tikka was a little too soupy. He got his chicken with naan (bread) and thus his tikka came separately in a plastic container. As I said, I got it on rice so I didn't see or experience much of that, it just looked like dried orange mud.
The chunks of chicken were actually just a little on the dry side, though the sauce it was in kept that from being a problem. The savory sauce was lightly seasoned and had just a tiny little spicy kick to it, almost unnoticeable to me. Rice was a little harder than you would find at a Chinese place, but seemed par for the course. The rice did do a good job sucking up all the excess sauce.
Overall this meal gets a hearty "meh". Honestly, it didn't seem all that much different from the stuff I got at the fancy college food area at my Alma Mater. Prices weren't all that far off either, so I can't say I'm very impressed by their showing. I suppose it gives us an option in the future for lunch should we want something different, but this was just pretty underwhelming.
One more week of chicken to go! Victory tastes like chicken!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Chicken 16: Chinatown
It's been 16 chicken meals and today people ask me about it. The chickens are numbered for god's sake, pay attention.
This entire month has been much more expensive that it should be. So much chicken, so many forms. This month has also been exceptionally unhealthy. Easiest way to cook chicken is fried, so that form showed up in many meals. Also Burger King ended up in a meal at least 3 times thus far. The King has a special place in my heart with his artery clogging goodness.
Chicken 16: Chinatown
So today there chicken pot pie still was not on the menu. We're trying now that we know it exists right outside, we just don't know when. So off to plan B: Chinatown for half a soy sauce chicken (and rice). You would think after the large portions of food yesterday that it would be time for something smaller. Pif.
Good weather today so the stroll to Chinatown and back was a piece of cake. When ordering at Noodle Town, the woman behind the counter seemed surprised at what I wanted. Half a chicken? You betcha.
Opening up the plastic container, I realize that it is a lot of chicken. I've never eaten half a chicken in this form before, though I have eaten half of many chickens in a sitting before (I've done it this month already actually). Small rice came seperately in one of those white fold up containers.
The soy sauce chicken is about par for course when compared to other soy sauce chickens. Chicken is moist, all parts are greasy. Chicken is on the salty side, skin is soft not crisp. White meat sometimes seems a little dry, however the grease is everywhere and compensates. You can also use the soy sauce and onions in oil that they give you with the chicken to add a little something more to the meat. I used it sparingly as the chicken was good as is.
White rice is white rice. Yep.
The quantity was more anything else in this meal than anything. Disposing of the chicken handily enough, I still had to deal with a big chunk of white rice to finish off. Of course all was consumed. But damn that was a lot of rice in two days.
Well that was a lot of chicken today. I would do it again, though it's a terrible idea. Plus you need more variety when getting that stuff. I could sure go for some duck.
Chicken Month rolls on.
This entire month has been much more expensive that it should be. So much chicken, so many forms. This month has also been exceptionally unhealthy. Easiest way to cook chicken is fried, so that form showed up in many meals. Also Burger King ended up in a meal at least 3 times thus far. The King has a special place in my heart with his artery clogging goodness.
Chicken 16: Chinatown
So today there chicken pot pie still was not on the menu. We're trying now that we know it exists right outside, we just don't know when. So off to plan B: Chinatown for half a soy sauce chicken (and rice). You would think after the large portions of food yesterday that it would be time for something smaller. Pif.
Good weather today so the stroll to Chinatown and back was a piece of cake. When ordering at Noodle Town, the woman behind the counter seemed surprised at what I wanted. Half a chicken? You betcha.
Opening up the plastic container, I realize that it is a lot of chicken. I've never eaten half a chicken in this form before, though I have eaten half of many chickens in a sitting before (I've done it this month already actually). Small rice came seperately in one of those white fold up containers.
The soy sauce chicken is about par for course when compared to other soy sauce chickens. Chicken is moist, all parts are greasy. Chicken is on the salty side, skin is soft not crisp. White meat sometimes seems a little dry, however the grease is everywhere and compensates. You can also use the soy sauce and onions in oil that they give you with the chicken to add a little something more to the meat. I used it sparingly as the chicken was good as is.
White rice is white rice. Yep.
The quantity was more anything else in this meal than anything. Disposing of the chicken handily enough, I still had to deal with a big chunk of white rice to finish off. Of course all was consumed. But damn that was a lot of rice in two days.
Well that was a lot of chicken today. I would do it again, though it's a terrible idea. Plus you need more variety when getting that stuff. I could sure go for some duck.
Chicken Month rolls on.
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