Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I sat with a pair of my friends at a small square table waiting for our orders from the sushi bar. Each of us took a side, with the fourth occupied by the restaurant's counter. With just three feet at each of our ends, we thee were intimately packed together.

"Doesn't he look weird with glasses now?" my one friend chirped to the other, pointing out the now spectacled face of mine which no longer had vision corrected by lenses affixed directly to the eyes.

"I didn't even notice he was wearing glasses. I mean that's just how he looks normally to me," was the response.

Two friend (close friends at that) saw me rather differently. Sure the power of observation of one of my friends is sometimes questionable, but it is a big enough change in appearance to be noticeable. I look different to my friends, the ones I can actually call my friends without scorn or contempt.

Its a stupid little thing that really doesn't mean anything. It just sticks to me for some reason. I'll remember this decades from now when it really shouldn't even be a footnote in any of our lives. But I'll remember it for no good reason.

Three months in and I'm barely clinging on to my resolution. April begins tomorrow, don't be fooled.

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