Friday, October 16, 2009

Chicken 12: Chickety China the Chinese Chicken

Congratulations everyone on making it to another Friday. To celebrate, I'm going to try to post on time today!

Damn it got cold in a heartbeat. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just a standing cold, but this windy rainy mess is just awful. Had to break out a jacket for the first time in months to deal with it, but if it means a winter with plentiful snow I'm all for it. Snowboarding season can't come fast enough.

Chicken 12: Chicken w/Tomatoes

So today we decided to take in some Chinese takeout, referred to by us folks at the office as faux-nese. Main chicken dishes considered were Kong [sic] Pow chicken, Paradise chicken, pineapple chicken, General Tso's, and sesame chicken. Orange chicken was off the menu for us as the previous Orange Chicken containing meal was memorable, but not in a good way.

When we arrive at the takeout place, I see that they have chicken w/tomatoes posted on their wall menu, but unseen on the paper menu we had. I do like me some chicken with tomatoes, which is odd as I don't really like tomatoes in the natural unmodified form. Its a little odd actually; I like cooked tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato soup, ketchup, etc. I can eat them sliced up and put in a sandwich or salad as well but if you just told me to take a bite out of one of those suckers (or even worse just pop a small cherry tomato) I gag on them. I can only take the tomato in it's unnatural forms.

Anywho, I order up the chicken and tomatoes and get it over white rice. Apparently it takes quite a while to cook something like that up, as I watch and wait as people come and go for a while before my food shows up in it's white styrofoam sarcophagus. Back to work, as last time eating out left an odor on the clothing.

Back at the office, I open up the container to see chunks of chicken and large slices of tomatoes all with a brownish sauce sitting on a large bed of white rice. No mistaking this for any other meal.

The chicken was moist and the sauce gave it a slight sweetness. This was all countered by the slight tang of the tomatoes. The tomatoes were just a little undercooked, and you could taste it as you ate one of the slivers. White rice sitting under the chicken and tomatoes graciously absorbed excess sauce, spreading the wealth of flavor to what would have been a plain tasting filler.

All in all a good meal, however there was something that threw me off a bit. A couple pieces of the tomatoes had a weird taste to them, something that made me think of turpentine. It was only the few pieces which was a little confusing, but not too concerning as the rest of the food tasted as it should. I have no illusions as to the cleanliness of ANY food vending area, and I've come to the place enough times without issue that this isolated incident won't entirely sway me. This is the first of three strikes, unless something happens that makes me instantly abandon the place. That would suck as it would reduce our already limited options for lunch. Do not fail me again faux-nese!

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