Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chicken 5: Truckin

What a long morning. So tired that I didn't even remember to bring my phone with me when I left my house. Pictures are hard to take without any camera, but of course everyone has a camera in their phone now a days. Today was a yawner

Chicken 5 - New Halal Truck

A new Halal truck came into the area sitting just off Fulton Street and it appeared well stocked. It was big, it was clean (for a truck) and was untested, so today seemed like a good a day as any to try it out.

The guy at the truck was pretty unoccupied as there was no one around his truck when my coworkers and I arrived. It seemed like a bad sign as it didn't look like a very popular food vendor, but I didn't hold it against the guy as the usual truck we all visit can be pretty quiet at times as well.

Chicken on rice was the meal, which came with some lettuce and tomato, covered with some white sauce. Five bucks and we're off to the races.

The rice was soft, almost strangely so and did not carry much flavor. The chicken was kind of bland, and the onions that were cooked along with the chicken were also bland. The food was actually pretty remarkable for having very little flavor despite the heavy smell of onions that emanated from the Styrofoam container. Adding hot sauce (which seemed somehow spicier than usual) didn't do much either. There was just nothing there to taste.

This was a failed experiment (dude was stingy with the chicken too). A disappointment on all fronts. Don't be lured in by the shiny new trucks; all style and no substance.

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