Today I discovered something that made me a bit upset to be shackled to the chicken lunch theme for the month. Behold, the Windows 7 Whopper!

Explanation: To celebrate the launching of Windows 7 in Japan, Burger King (bless their souls) is running a promotion of selling Windows 7 Whoppers for 777 yen. Yeah, that is seven (7!) whopper patties in there. It's so beautiful.
Of course Whoppers are not chicken in any way. Had this been beef month, one would have been constructed this very day for the sake of glory! Unfortunately chicken is still the meat of the meals, and there's no way around that. I will have a Win 7 Whooper someday though!
Chicken 17: Chicken Tikka Masala
Still no chicken pot pies today. Chicken croquettes were on the diner's menu, which was a little intriguing, but ultimately did not sway either of us.
So Indian food was the choice today. There one Indian joint that me and my coworkers pass by when going to get Chinese takeout never looked all that appealing so we never actually tried it out. Today they got their chance to woo me. Chicken gave them the chance.
So the meal today was chicken tikka masala. Roasted chicken chunks cooked up in an orange, apparently tomato based, sauce. I had it served over rice.
One thing that always got me was how all these Indian foods look sorta like mud. The different forms of curry, tikka and what have you all have that gooey look of something you should be cleaning off than consuming. Doesn't really bother me in any way, taste is all that matters anyways.
One thing that my co-chickener observed was that the tikka was a little too soupy. He got his chicken with naan (bread) and thus his tikka came separately in a plastic container. As I said, I got it on rice so I didn't see or experience much of that, it just looked like dried orange mud.
The chunks of chicken were actually just a little on the dry side, though the sauce it was in kept that from being a problem. The savory sauce was lightly seasoned and had just a tiny little spicy kick to it, almost unnoticeable to me. Rice was a little harder than you would find at a Chinese place, but seemed par for the course. The rice did do a good job sucking up all the excess sauce.
Overall this meal gets a hearty "meh". Honestly, it didn't seem all that much different from the stuff I got at the fancy college food area at my Alma Mater. Prices weren't all that far off either, so I can't say I'm very impressed by their showing. I suppose it gives us an option in the future for lunch should we want something different, but this was just pretty underwhelming.
One more week of chicken to go! Victory tastes like chicken!
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