Monday, October 26, 2009

Chicken 18: Aloha

Holy God this is chicken month but there's just too much bacon everywhere.

Coming back from Giants Stadium after witnessing a miserable failure of a game (you gotta be kidding me running to the outside so damn much. Punch it up the middle. What the fuck!) and heading home, sirens lights and all that jazz appear behind us. A cop and a mobile command station both have their lights blazing and sirens blaring (BTW thanks New Jersey for the most annoying seizure inducing lights in existence). Must be some sort of emergency.

WRONG. They just wanted to get through traffic. Fucking layers upon layers of cars desperately trying to get out of their way as if it was some sort of emergency because they don't want to sit in traffic. We catch up to the finding them cruising when they got open road.

Hey bacon! You know why we call you bacon? Cause you pull shit like that. Why would anyone respect assholes like that?

Chicken 18: Hawaiian Super Atkins Meal

Back to our regularly scheduled program. Today was a big day, and as this is the last week of chicken, we have to start strong. So it was decided (after still no chicken pot pie) that we were going to hit up the Hawaiian place for our foodstuffs.

The choice meal was the Super Atkins Platter. Three pieces of chicken katsu or BBQ chicken and three pieces of another meat of your choice, plus three eggs. Of course we had to go chicken katsu and BBQ chicken, or else whats the point really. Food did come with some salad, but well who really cares about that.

Place seemed a lot more crowded than usual. Did not even take my order cause they were preoccupied. Poor form.

Getting back, it was time for food. Chicken katsu was not as crunchy as usual, but that helps out a little bit by making it easier to eat. The sauce with it was sweet, and the chicken was pretty thin. The breading was still pleasantly crunchy.

BBQ chicken was pretty standard. Savory and seemed like it was made of dark meat, no bones involved though. Juicy and large pieces, much larger than I though would be possible out of the tastier dark meat parts of the chicken. Just a bit on the salty side.

Eggs were over easy. Yolk was disappointingly solid. Otherwise they were good eggs. I hadn't had eggs straight up in a while now that I think about it. McMuffins don't exactly count I don't think.

Salad had that orange sauce on it. Leaves and tomatoes. Meh.

Big tasty meal. One of those meals that require some form of cola to burn off some of that excess grease that sticks to your insides. Orange soda and fried chicken are such a great combination.

Almost there. Chicken ahoy.

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